“You have turned me into a celebrity” — Moment Hilda Baci’s mother showers encouragement on daughter as she prepares to break a world record

As Hilda Baci gets ready to smash a global

record in the culinary industry, her mother joins the community of people rallying behind her daughter.

Hilda Baci, who has already cooked for more than 70 hours, is determined to shatter Chef Lata London’s current record of 87 hours, 45 minutes for the longest cooking period.

Hilda’s mother was also present, encouraging her daughter and pleading with her to succeed in her quest to shatter the Guinness World Records.

On @olorisupergal, a video recording this moment was posted.

Mother of Hilda said:

Are you there, Hilda? I know you are going to win this, and despite how much I love you, I am not worried. You’ve never made a mistake in life.

You are a newborn with a soft life; yet, I am aware that this one is not soft, but it will earn you a better one. You said, “Mommy, anything I achieve now is for you,” so I remember when you said, “You’re going to accomplish this for me.”

I now have a celebrity status thanks to you. The finest day of my life will be Monday since you’re leaving on Monday. “Finish it up. For mummy, if not for anyone else. I cherish you. We love you. You are going to do this”, Hilda’s mother noted.


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