BIG GABIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!! 🇧🇷 It’s another towering header from Gabriel to put us in front! 🔵 1-2 🔴 (45)

BIG GABIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!! 🇧🇷   It's another towering header from Gabriel to put us in front!   🔵 1-2 🔴 (45)

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RICHHYYYYYYYYYYYYY 🚀 What a way to score your first Arsenal goal! It’s an absolute beauty from Calafiori 😱 🔵 1-1 🔴 (22)

RICHHYYYYYYYYYYYYY 🚀   What a way to score your first Arsenal goal! It's an absolute beauty from Calafiori 😱   🔵 1-1 🔴 (22)

Continue ReadingRICHHYYYYYYYYYYYYY 🚀 What a way to score your first Arsenal goal! It’s an absolute beauty from Calafiori 😱 🔵 1-1 🔴 (22)

“Ion Țiriac dezvăluie o nouă provocare șocantă pentru Simona Halep: ‘Ce vor spune ceilalți?’” 👇

Ion Țiriac has identified a new issue that Simona Halep is facing. The businessman says that Simona will have difficulties in her race to return to the elite, as tournament…

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Kansas City Chiefs: Star Linebacker Headlines Group of Four Fined for Illegal Hip-Drop Tackle – Week 3

The Kansas City Chiefs are just one of nine teams sporting an undefeated record after the season’s first two weeks. Kansas City has survived back-to-back tightly contested matchups, beating the…

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“Simona Halep prinsă într-o nouă controversă: Dezvăluiri șocante după semnarea noului contract de către Mouratoglou”

Simona Halep s-a trezit într-un nou scandal. Numele campioanei din România a fost în prim-plan după ce controversatul Patrick Mouratoglou, fostul ei antrenor, și-a găsit un nou angajament. Tehnicianul a…

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