Main man of Arsenal risks FA Ban after just 9 games

Main man of Arsenal risks FA Ban after just 9 games

Nine games into the Premier League season, and already one yellow card away from possibly facing an FA ban, is Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta. Following the recent 2-2 draw with Chelsea, Arteta was booked for the second time this season after receiving a yellow card.

According to the new regulations implemented this season, Arteta will serve a one-game touchline suspension for his subsequent yellow card, a punishment that Manchester City’s Pep Guardiola had to bear last month. Managers were added to the list of individuals who received yellow cards in 2018 by the global Laws of the Game. Previously, managers were only sent to the stands.

Managers only need three bookings for a one-match suspension, whereas players are suspended for five yellow cards in the first half of a season or ten yellow cards overall. A manager will be suspended for two matches if they accumulate eight infractions. A manager would have to appear at an FA misconduct hearing if they were to receive 16 cautions in one campaign.

August’s match against Fulham marked Arteta’s first booking, and last Saturday’s match at Stamford Bridge marked his second. The Spanish player has admitted that he is trying to cut back on his dramatic touchline behavior.

He stated, “I believe I am evolving. Tell me if you have a different opinion. However, I have tried consciously. In essence, I don’t want to be dismissed. I believe that when I look at myself, especially when I’m upset, it can occasionally present a bad image, especially for the club. Since you are representing the club and want to stand up for them, there are moments when making decisions in the heat of the moment can be challenging. That’s my motivation. It’s to protect the team and the players. Nothing further.

In order to ensure that the team is as competitive as possible, Arteta made it clear that his behavior during games is motivated by his desire to represent and defend the club’s interests. Additionally, he anticipates that his players will play with passion and total focus.

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“I don’t tolerate behavior that shifts the main focus. I then lose my ability to clearly see the game and make decisions. I expect all of the players to feel every ball, but I also expect them to control their emotional behavior,” Arteta said.

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