State Three Rules for Agreement of the Verb with the Subject(Concord)Giving One Example for Each

As a professional, I understand the importance of concord in writing. The agreement of the verb with the subject is crucial to ensuring that your writing is clear and effective, as well as optimized for search engines. In this article, I will outline three rules for agreement of the verb with the subject and provide one example for each.

Rule 1: Singular subjects take singular verbs, and plural subjects take plural verbs.

Example: The cat purrs loudly. (singular subject, singular verb)

The cats purr loudly. (plural subject, plural verb)

Rule 2: Indefinite pronouns that are singular take singular verbs, while those that are plural take plural verbs.

Example: Someone is knocking on the door. (singular indefinite pronoun, singular verb)

Several of the guests are arriving late. (plural indefinite pronoun, plural verb)

Rule 3: Inverted sentences (sentences where the subject comes after the verb) still require agreement of the verb with the subject.

Example: On the wall hangs a beautiful painting. (singular subject, singular verb)

On the wall hang three paintings. (plural subject, plural verb)

By following these rules for agreement of the verb with the subject, you can ensure that your writing is clear and effective. Additionally, by including keywords related to your topic, your writing can be optimized for search engines, increasing its visibility and reach. So, next time you`re writing, remember to pay careful attention to concord and follow these simple rules for success.

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